  • Quick Start
    • Whitelist
    • Sub-account
    • Proxy Authentication
    • Static Residential Proxies
    • Unlimited Residential Proxies
    • Rotating Residential Proxies
  • Basics
  • Operating System
  • Browser
  • Antidetect Browser
  • Proxy Tools
Help CenterproxyshareFAQproxyshareUnlimited Residential Proxies Extraction Tutorial

Unlimited Residential Proxies Extraction Tutorial

2024-06-13 10:36

Whitelist Authentication

Creating sub-accounts

User:pass authentication

Step one:

Select Get Proxy - User passes authentication, click on Unlimited Traffic Package Proxy

Step two:

Select address/session/time

Step three:

Select the account - click Generate

Step four:

Take the fingerprint browser as an example,Paste it directly into your browser, it needs to be generated in the batch generation screen and formatted as server:port:username:password, or fill in Host/Port/Username/Parsword to use it.

API Extraction

If using an API link, you need to add an IP whitelist before using it.

Step one:

Select Get Proxy - API and click on Unlimited Traffic Package Proxy

Step two:

Select country/state/city

Step three:

Click on Generate - Open Link

Step four:

Randomly select a proxy, the last five digits are the port

Step five:

Take the fingerprint browser as an example, fill in Host/Port/Username/Parsword in order to use the 

Response code

Restricted target website

API port limit problem

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