Proxy Authentication
Note: We support two authentication methods:User:pass authentication/API authentication(Static residential proxy have only one way of extracting the confidentiality of accounts;You need to add a sub-account corresponding to the type of proxies in the Sub-accounts page before using the password;If using an API, you need to add an IP whitelist before using it.):
User: pass authentication
You need to add a sub-account corresponding to the type of proxies in the Sub-accounts page before using the password
Step one:
Select country/state/city/address/session/time
Step two:
Select the sub-user - click Generate - Copy link
Step three:
Take antidetect browser as an example
Paste the link into the Open URL, or fill in Host/Port/Username/Parsword in order to use it
Note: We support two types of authentication:User:pass authentication/Whitelisted IPs authentication, the following is the authentication method for Whitelisted IPs authentication:
API authentication
Step one:
Select Get Proxy - API
Step two:
Select country/state/city
Step three:
Click on Generate - Open Link
Step four:
Randomly select a proxy, the last five digits are the port
Step five:
Take the antidetect browser as an example
Paste the link to the Open URL, or fill in Host/Port/Username/Parsword in order to use it