  • Quick Start
    • Whitelist
    • Sub-account
    • Proxy Authentication
    • Static Residential Proxies
    • Unlimited Residential Proxies
    • Rotating Residential Proxies
  • Basics
  • Operating System
  • Browser
  • Antidetect Browser
  • Proxy Tools
HilfecenterproxyshareFAQproxyshareRotating Residential Proxies Extraction Tutorial

Rotating Residential Proxies Extraction Tutorial

2024-06-13 10:33

Whitelist authentication

Create sub-account

General summary

Use a Rotating Residential proxy to make a request to from a random location. Don't forget to replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with your proxy user credentials. As ProxyShare rotate data center proxies automatically rotate, each request returns a new IP address.

curl -x

Let's make the request using proxies from the United States. All you need to do is change the entry point address, here is an example.

curl -x username_area-US_city-xxx_session-xxx_life-xx:

What if I want to keep the same proxies for multiple requests? The session control feature allows for this. Just add session-xxx to your username string, where xxx can be any random string, and we will try to provide you with the same proxies as long as you keep sending requests with this string (session ID).

For more information on your usage statistics, traffic generated, request counts, etc., please log into your Personal Center.

Select Country/Region

Rotating Residential Proxies currently offers different regions to choose from, select a region in the location shown below: as/eu/us

Query Parameters

A basic query only needs to pass USERNAME and PASSWORD; no other parameters are required. This type of query sets the request to be sent from a random IP (proxies) address. Each new request uses a different proxies.

Code Example

In this example, a query to is executed from a random IP:

curl -x

Session Control

Add the session parameter and a session ID string, for example, session-xxx, to enable session control. The following request does not change the proxies. The following example shows how session control works:

You selected proxy IP address 111 in the initial selection for session-xxx, and as long as you keep sending new requests with the same session ID, the system routes your selection through 111

The life and session parameters should be used in conjunction with each other to ensure optimal performance and stability of the proxies.

life is the total time a proxies IP is in use. Within this time frame, the proxies are valid and can make connections and transfer data. For example, if a proxies IP has a life cycle of 5 minutes, it means that the IP is valid and available during these 5 minutes.

To ensure connection stability, ProxyShare keeps the proxies IP unchanged for the duration of a session, even if the life of the proxies IP is about to end, the system replaces the proxies IP with a new one in advance to ensure session continuity and an uninterrupted user experience, which means that you get a seamless connection.


curl -x ps-proxyshare3030_area-US_city-Dothan_session-111111_life-5:[email protected]:5959

This command will maintain the same proxies with the specified session IDs for the 5 minutes of the life setting, providing a stable and continuous connection.

By setting the life and session parameters appropriately, you can optimize the use of proxies for your specific needs, ensuring the best balance between data transfer and connection stability.

Restricted Target Sites

Response Code

Account and Password Extraction

Step one:

Select Get Proxies - User passes authentication, click Rotating Residential Proxies

Step two:

Select country/state/city/address/session/time

Step three:

Select the sub-user ---- click on Generate - Copy Link

Step four:

Take the fingerprint browser as an example

Paste directly into the browser, you need to generate in the batch generation interface, the format is server:port:username:password, or fill out the Host/Port/Username/Parsword can be used in sequence

API Extraction

If you use the API link, you need to add an IP whitelist before using it

Step one:

Select Get Proxies - API, click Rotating Residential Proxies

Step two:

Select country/state/city

Step three:

Click on Generate - Open Link

Step four:

Randomly select a proxies, the last five digits are the port

Step five:

Take the fingerprint browser as an example, fill in Host/Port/Username/Parsword in order to use the


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