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HilfecenterproxyshareFAQproxyshareThe IP Test Results Do Not Match the Region I Purchased and Extracted

The IP Test Results Do Not Match the Region I Purchased and Extracted

2024-06-14 13:51

When you look up on an IP inspection site (such as ), the it may not match the region where you purchased the product. 

Here's why:

1. Data Sources

Different IP detection sites may use different data sources to obtain IP address information. These data sources may include internet service providers (ISPs), geolocation databases, lists of public proxy servers, and more. As a result, test results may vary

2. Data Processing Algorithms

Different IP detection websites may use different algorithms and methods to process and analyze IP address information, and these algorithms may take into account different factors, such as geographic location, anonymity, proxy servers, etc., so even if the same data source is used, the algorithms of different websites may cause differences in detection results.

3. Frequency of Updates

IP address information is subject to change. For example, an IP address may belong to a geographic location at one point in time, but may have changed at another point in time. The more frequently a website updates its data, the more accurate its results are likely to be.

4. Geolocation accuracy

The mapping of IP address and geographic location is not perfect, and there may be certain errors, and different IP detection websites may have different methods for judging the geographic location of IP addresses, resulting in different detection results.

5. Detection technology

IP detection websites may use different techniques to detect IP addresses

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